Marco Fantin
Marco Fantin is Assistant Professor at University of Padova, Italy

Marco Fantin is Assistant Professor at University of Padova, Italy
Controlled radical Polymerizations are the tool of choice to build advanced functional materials for all technological applications (biomedical, electronics, elastomers etc.). We develop new electrochemical methods to perform controlled radical polymerizations in solution and on surfaces.
We combine photon and electrons in the same reaction to increase the activity and selectivity of photocatalysts, reaching unprecedented levels of control and reactivity over polymerization reactions and organic transformations.
We will have some openings in the next months.
For info please contact marco.fantin (at)
PhD Students can apply through the UniPd webiste here. We offer support for preparing the PhD application.
Please contact
marco.fantin (at) unipd .it
We currently have a few open positions for master and undergrad students. Please contact Marco Fantin at:
marco.fantin (at) unipd .it
We do electrochemistry and ATRP and we love chemistry, research and spritz